The above map of the Battle of Newport Barracks was drawn by Josiah O. Livingston of the 9th Vermont. Livingston was one of three members of the 9th Vermont to later win the Medal of Honor for their actions during the February 2, 1864 battle.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Various Things

  • I have added TOCWOC- A Civil War Blog to the Blogs of Interest section on the left hand side of the site. They were kind enough to link to this blog so I wanted to return the favor. There is a lot of good information there and it is certainly worth the time to check it out, so please do. You can go to it by either clicking the link here in the post or the link in the Blogs of Interest section. In case you are wondering TOCWOC stands for "The Order of Civil War Obsessively Compulsed."
  • I just saw this morning that there has been over 400 views of this blog in less than a week. Thanks to everyone who has visited over the past couple of days and I hope it has been informative for you. I especially want to thank those who have emailed this blog to others or linked it to their blogs. As always feel free to comment on any posts here or email me anytime.


  1. Do you intend to write more than one book about the Battle of Newport Barracks? It sounds like you are in your "About Me" profile.

  2. I only intend to write one book on Newport Barracks, but if more information comes to light on it I would be open to revising or making a second edition. My next project will be on the 43rd North Carolina Infantry at Gettysburg.

  3. Welcome to the blogging world!

    Michael C. Hardy
